Master your money, master your life

We help our clients achieve their dreams without being burdened by financial issues

About AiF

Get to know us

Discover the mission and vision of Ai Financial, understanding why we focus on the financial well-being of Canadians and how we leverage financial investments to help more individuals achieve financial freedom.

Who we are >

AiF, a Fintech company, offers Canadians a distinctive, tech-driven financial experience. Our validated model and mission-driven approach ensure efficiency, personalization, and innovative solutions for evolving needs.

Ai Financial's investment advisor team is highly experienced and passionate, utilizing advanced AI and data analytics for intelligent and precise investment advice in complex markets.

Corporate Social Responsibility >

As a values-driven company, we focus on community development, charity, and ESG investments to contribute to a better Canada.

Our Service >

We focus on the U.S. stock market, aiming for stable returns, managing risks. Our tailored solutions prioritize clients' genuine interests through funds, loans, and account management.

We track market trends, analyze the global financial landscape, and research industries and stocks. Putting clients first, we offer free investment insights to aid your informed decisions.

How to do

Canada Investment

Ai Financial, through regulated platforms in Canada such as mutual funds, banks, and insurance companies, manages various Canadian fund investments for clients, including but not limited to:

  • Investment Loan
  • Segregated Funds
  • TFSA, RRSP, RESP, Non-Reg, etc.
  • Tax Planning

Through compounding and leverage, we help clients achieve early retirement, financial freedom, and harness the power of financial instruments to create a wealthier life for Canadian residents.

What we do

Value Investing principles,

Ai Financial can achieve sustainable, stable, and profitable returns because of our investment philosophy, which is related to how to pick our investment targets.  

Based on this strategy, Ai Financial has achieved an average annual compound return of 18.8% in the past decade. 

We can find such companies because we share the same values. AI Financial believes that only by investing in such companies can help our clients truly make profits.

How to Invest with AiF

Customized Solution

AIF formulates investment plans based on customer situations and needs.
You can start trying dollar-cost averaging at a price lower than 100 Canadian dollars, or invest in funds using accounts such as TFSA, RRSP, etc.
If you wish to invest with more of your own funds, segregated funds are a wise choice for long-term investments. They invest in multiple companies, diversify risks, and allow you to access a broader asset allocation.
Alternatively, if you desire to invest with a larger initial amount but lack sufficient idle funds, we recommend leveraging: investment loan. It offers various advantages, including tax reduction and no monthly principal repayment.
We advise you to have a one-on-one discussion with financial professionals to tailor a financial plan and investment portfolio that aligns with your specific circumstances and goals.

Fund Selection

The AIF investment team selects funds for you.
AIF adheres to value investment principles and selects leading companies in leading sectors to fundamentally mitigate potential investment risks.
We choose capital preservation fund products, and the main investment directions for 2023 include high technology, healthcare, sustainability, ESG, and more.
The selection and allocation of funds will be adjusted based on individual circumstances and financial goals to better create wealth for you.
All funds are open-end funds, and you can find their historical performance information online.

How To Apply

Upon receiving your confirmation, AIF will complete all fund purchases or loan application processes on your behalf.
During this process, you may need to check emails, sign authorization documents, or provide materials required for the loan.
Your account will be established with an insurance company, fund company, or banking system, AIF only has management authority and cannot directly operate the funds. Any adjustments or operational recommendations regarding the funds by AIF during your investment journey will require your authorization to proceed.

Market Tracking

AIF Research Institute continuously tracks and analyzes the market, making timely adjustments and responses. If there is a need to adjust fund allocations, clients will be notified and confirmed via email.

How to Invest with AIF

Customized Solution

AIF formulates investment plans based on customer situations and needs.
You can start trying dollar-cost averaging at a price lower than 100 Canadian dollars, or invest in funds using accounts such as TFSA, RRSP, etc.
If you wish to invest with more of your own funds, segregated funds are a wise choice for long-term investments. They invest in multiple companies, diversify risks, and allow you to access a broader asset allocation.
Alternatively, if you desire to invest with a larger initial amount but lack sufficient idle funds, we recommend leveraging: investment loan. It offers various advantages, including tax reduction and no monthly principal repayment.
We advise you to have a one-on-one discussion with financial professionals to tailor a financial plan and investment portfolio that aligns with your specific circumstances and goals.

Fund Selection

The AIF investment team selects funds for you.
AIF adheres to value investment principles and selects leading companies in leading sectors to fundamentally mitigate potential investment risks.
We choose capital preservation fund products, and the main investment directions for 2023 include high technology, healthcare, sustainability, ESG, and more.
The selection and allocation of funds will be adjusted based on individual circumstances and financial goals to better create wealth for you.
All funds are open-end funds, and you can find their historical performance information online.

How To Apply

Upon receiving your confirmation, AIF will complete all fund purchases or loan application processes on your behalf.
During this process, you may need to check emails, sign authorization documents, or provide materials required for the loan.
Your account will be established with an insurance company, fund company, or banking system, AIF only has management authority and cannot directly operate the funds. Any adjustments or operational recommendations regarding the funds by AIF during your investment journey will require your authorization to proceed.

Market Tracking

AIF Research Institute continuously tracks and analyzes the market, making timely adjustments and responses. If there is a need to adjust fund allocations, clients will be notified and confirmed via email.


Most frequent questions and answers

Ai Financial does not charge fee from clients. Our revenue comes from commissions received from fund companies. We are a mutually beneficial community with our clients, as we can only earn money when our clients make profits.

Ai Financial does not charge fees. The fees associated with transferring funds out would need to be consulted with your original financial institution.

P + 0.75%, as of October 2023, stands at 7.95%.

A Canadian tax resident, with a credit score of 680 or above, having approximately 2 years of taxable income, preferably with some assets.

All costs are included in the fund management fee, with no hidden charges. Ai Financial does not impose any additional fees on clients.

A 20-year term, which can be renewed upon maturity without the need for principal repayment.


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