License Apply- Step 5

Contract Apply - iA

1. Login to your Apexa account, Go to Dashboard

Link: APEXA log in

Apply AiF Contract on Apexa

2. Select ‘Contract’ from the left menu.

Contract apply - Canada Life

3. In all contracts, follow the email instructions to find the corresponding Contract ID and click the ID number.

contract apply iA

4. Fill in the information in all four tabs according to your personal situation, then click “Submit.”

contract apply iA

5. Fill in the questions according to the image prompts and your actual situation.

contract apply iA
contract apply iA

6. Fill in additional information.

contract apply iA

7. Read all documents listed below.

contract apply iA

8. Open the agreement and sign.

contract apply iA

9. Ensure each tab shows no error warnings, then click submit.