Segregated Funds – What are they and how do they work?
A segregated fund is a pooled investment similar to a mutual fund with lower risk.
Explore our comprehensive guide to Canadian investment tools and accounts. Learn about RRSPs, TFSAs, investment loan, segregated funds, and more to enhance your financial strategy and maximize your investments.
A segregated fund is a pooled investment similar to a mutual fund with lower risk.
Segregated funds provide capital growth through investments until a designated maturity date while also offering a life insurance death benefit if the owner passes away before the contract matures.
The segregated funds policy offers insurance guarantees, helping protect most or even all of your initial investment.
The sooner you start saving, the more you can benefit from compound interest. The earlier you begin, the longer your money has to grow.
True wealth isn’t just about having money in your bank account—it’s about building assets that work for you, even while you sleep.
Understanding RRSPs is crucial, as it affects your ability to save on taxes now and ensure you have enough money for a comfortable retirement in the future
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Borrowing to buy investments can be an effective way to boost your potential returns. Without using your own cash, investment loan allow you to achieve greater investing gain with a large initial funding.