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Canadian Investment Account


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RRSP 注册退休储蓄账户

Registered Retirement Savings Plan is a Canadian account that can be used for savings and investments. Taxpayers have a high degree of autonomy within the rules set by the government, making it a savings plan. Generally, RRSP has two main advantages: first, the amount purchased in RRSP each year can be deducted from the current year's income tax; second, RRSP can help high-income individuals achieve deferred taxation.

Usually, you can easily open an RRSP account through financial institutions such as banks, investment companies, and trust companies. You have the option to contribute monthly, annually, or make a lump-sum purchase of RRSP.

As long as you have earned income, a Social Insurance Number (SIN), have filed taxes, and have available RRSP contribution room, Canadian permanent residents under the age of 71 are eligible to purchase RRSPs. Even if you're over 71, you can still contribute if your spouse is under 71, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a Spousal RRSP.






购买RRSP账户的对象,可以是本人或者配偶SPOUSE或者同居伴侣COMMON-LAW PARTNER;



  • 在1966年CPP刚建立的时候,7个上班人员养一位退休老人。
  • 到2000年实际是5位上班族养1位老人。并且预计到2040年这个比例是3:1。
  • 到了2015年,实际是4位上班族养1位老人。并且预计到2025年这个比例是3:1。已经比2000年當時的预测提前了15年到达3:1。
  • 再到2019年,实际是3.6位上班族养1位老人。并且预计到2035年这个比例是2:1。这个变化的速度在不断加快。
  • 所以,从养老体系来看,现在正在上班的人,每3.6人需要养活一位退休人士,而预计到2035年,就变成每两人供养一位退休人士。



这是一张从1966年CPP成立开始,到去年2022年的缴纳CPP Rate的走势图,可以看出:

  • 1966年到1986年CPP Rate一直维持在1.8%
  • 到了上世纪80年代,发生CPP危机,所以每年开始上涨0.1%
  • 1998年的时候,发现危机加剧,所以Rate的上涨幅度增加,幅度每年不等。
  • 1999年CPPIB应运而生,CPP Investment Board (加拿大退休金計畫投資局),
  • 但是到了2019年,发现这个CPPIB可能也撑不住了,所以,又开始逐年增长。
  • 到了2023年,CPP的上交Rate到了5.95%。說明他的投資並沒有真正解決問題, 我們只好自求多福-




购买RRSP的种类,常见的可以有三种:个人RRSP(Individual RRSP),配偶RRSP(Spousal RRSP),团体RRSP(Group RRSP)。它们的特点如下:

第一,个人RRSP(Individual RRSP)。顾名思义,就是以个人自己的名义开RRSP账户。这是最常见的RRSP形式,也是每个工薪人士最有可能购买的一种RRSP方式。只是在购买的时候,通常会考虑一个购买额度,否则,如果超出额度,每个月会向政府支付1%的罚金。


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这个额度的计算公式是:RRSP当年的增长额度 = 上一年的年收入(Earned Income)X18%
也就是,个人在报税的时候,报给CRA的上一年的Earned Income,去乘以18%就得到了今年增加的RRSP的额度。没有报给税务局CRA的收入,不会被计入Earned Income。

例如:你2022年报了$100,000的收入,那你2023年的额度就是:$100,000 x 18%=$18,000,也就是,你在2023年又增加了$18,000的RRSP额度。但是,这个额度也不是无限的,政府规定了RRSP每年的CONTRIBUTION LIMITS,上表中列出了2021年到2023年,每年RRSP的限额,今年2023年的最高额度是$30,780。也就是,如果你的Earning Income是$20万,如果按照乘以18%的公式计算出来,应该是$36,000,但是政府只能让你购买最多是$30,780的RRSP。不能超出这个限额。


第二,配偶RRSP(Spousal RRSP)。


这种RRSP类型适合于,夫妻之间收入差距比较大的情况。比如:先生收入是$15万,太太收入是$4万,那么,如果先生用自己的RRSP额度,为配偶购买了RRSP,这个RRSP就是Spousal RRSP。对于这个Spousal RRSP也是有一个限制的,就是3年之内不可以取款,如果3年之内,这个Spousal RRSP取出来,那么是要算作是先生的收入计税的。如果3年后取出来,就算作是太太的收入。

第三,团体RRSP(Group RRSP)。

团体RRSP,一般是公司给在职员工的一种养老福利。在加拿大,大型的国家机构如政府,医疗行业,教师工会,少数大型银行等都会有这类福利。那么,Group RRSP有哪些优势和劣势呢?

优势:如果你参与了公司的Group RRSP,那么,公司会承诺,你买一部分RRSP,那么公司就会配套支付一部分钱为你购买RRSP,但是,这个额度仍然是你自己的RRSP空间额度。


劣势:Group RRSP的投资标的非常有限,个人投资参与度很低,个人所能做的就是完成一份问卷调查,让Group RRSP的管理者了解你的风险承受能力,是保守的,激进型的等等,他们会根据你的问卷的结果,帮你作出选择。很少有公司让员工自己去选择投资标的。

另外,还有一个Group RRSP需要关注的就是,当你还在这家公司工作的时候,你是不能把这个Group RRSP转出来的,这个是锁定的,我们用另外 一个名词, LIRA,就是Locked in RRSP,除非你离开这个公司之后,你的公司给你开的Group RRSP就可以转出来。但是,你也不能直接转到自己的RRSP下面,只能转到一个Locked RRSP的账户下面。


TFSA 免税账户

Congratulations! Opening a TFSA account is extremely easy. TFSA stands for Tax-Free Savings Account, a type of account opened in an individual's name. As long as the applicant is at least 18 years old and has a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN), they can open a TFSA. This means that whether you are an international student with a study permit, a foreign worker with a work permit, or a Canadian resident with PR/Citizenship, you are eligible to open a TFSA and use it for investments.

You can use TFSA for various types of investments, including Segregated Funds, mutual funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), stocks, bonds, and more.

While the deposits (principal) are not tax-free, the profits you earn from using TFSA for investments are completely tax-free. This includes capital gains, interest, dividends, and more.

The Canadian government sets an annual contribution limit for TFSA for each individual. In 2023, Canadian residents who are at least 18 years old can contribute up to a maximum of $6,500 to their TFSA account. The contribution limits vary each year, and here are the limits for previous years:

Year Limit
2009 to 2012
$ 5,000
2013 and 2014
$ 5,500
$ 10,000
2016 to 2018
$ 5,500
2019 to 2022
$ 6,000
$ 6,500
$ 7,000

Regarding TFSA Contribution Limits, its important to keep in mind:

  • If you have remaining TFSA contribution room for the current year, you can carry it forward and accumulate it for use in the following years.
  • If you turned 18 years old in 2009, even if you didn't file a personal income tax return, benefit application, or open a TFSA, your TFSA contribution room continues to grow each year.
  • If you turned 18 years old after 2009, your TFSA contribution room starts accumulating from the year you turn 18, and it accumulates each year thereafter.
  • The investment earnings and fluctuations in value of your TFSA investments won't affect your TFSA contribution room for the current year or the following years.
  • A particularly advantageous aspect is that the capital appreciation and withdrawals from your TFSA account won't impact your eligibility for government benefits such as the Ontario Pension Plan, low-income subsidy benefits, federal tax credits, and more.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, never exceed your contribution limit, as the tax agency will impose a penalty of 1% per month on the excess amount.
  • Regarding your specific TFSA contribution limit, you can log in to your CRA account to check.
TFSA contribute sample




  • 8月和9月每月的最高超额TFSA金额为$2,000。每月最高超额金额的1%税为$40($2,000 × 1% × 2个月)。
  • 10月至12月每月的最高超额TFSA金额为$500。每月最高超额金额的1%税为$15($500 × 1% × 3个月)。



  • CRA网站,登录CRA网站(,进入自己的 My Account,然后根据提示查询自己的TFSA额度。
  • NOA,这是报完税后收到的CRA回执,这个回执会清楚的注明,您的TFSA使用情况。
  • 拨打税务局电话 – 1-800-959-8281,这是一个语音电话,您先准备好去年报税的信息,然后可以根据提示进行查询。
  • 最后,如果您是请会计师报税的,那么可以咨询您的会计师有关您的TFSA额度。


RESP 教育储蓄账户

RESP is a Registered Education Savings Plan, a higher education subsidy program developed by the Canadian government. It aims to create an account for beneficiaries, who are youths under 17 years old and currently studying, to save for the expenses of completing higher education. As the contributions to the account accumulate interest and receive government grants, parents or subscribers who open an RESP account can significantly save on tuition fees.

Having an RESP investment account is a guarantee for a child's future education. As parents, we might cut costs in other areas, but education expenses for our children are non-negotiable.

The Do's and Don'ts of RESP Investments

Requirements for application

  • When applying for an RESP investment account, the beneficiary must be:
  1. A Canadian resident and must be under 17 years of age.
  2. Have a Social Insurance Number (SIN).
  3. Preparing to attend an eligible post-secondary education program and requiring withdrawals from the RESP account to cover related expenses.
  • If the beneficiary decides not to pursue higher education, the subscriber can:

Transfer the RESP account to another sibling.

If the subscriber or their spouse has available contribution room in their RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan), funds can be transferred into the RRSP.

Take your time before withdrawing funds from the account while it's still valid. You can retain them temporarily to prevent any future needs. Typically, RESP accounts have a lifespan of 35 years.

If you wish to withdraw, you'll need to return the government grant portion to the government, and earnings will be subject to taxation plus a 20% penalty. Some RESP investment plans/types might have additional restrictions; it's advisable to inquire about these when opening the account.

  • RESP contributions are limited to a lifetime maximum of $50,000 per beneficiary.

FHSA 免税首套住房储蓄账户

The Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) was introduced in Canada on April 1, 2023, as a new registered plan following the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Designed to assist first-time homebuyers, FHSA combines the tax benefits of TFSA and RRSP. Contributions, investment income, and growth in FHSA are all tax-free, and withdrawals for a first home purchase are also tax-exempt, offering convenient and favorable financial support for homeownership dreams.

If you wish to open an FHSA account, you must meet at least...

  • Be at least 18 years old and less than 71 years old by December 31 of the current year to qualify for opening an FHSA account.
  • The account holder must be a resident of Canada.
  • In the current year and the past four years, neither the account holder nor their spouse must have owned a property in Canada, and neither has designated any property owned by them or their spouse as their principal residence.
  • The FHSA account can be held for a maximum of 15 years. Accounts can be opened through various financial institutions that offer TFSA and RRSP services, including banks, credit unions, life insurance companies, and Canadian trust companies.


How does this plan help me? Investing with contributions and using them to purchase a first home. You can borrow up to $35,000 from your existing RRSP, but the borrowed funds must be paid back within 15 years. Invest with contributions, enjoy tax-free returns, and use the funds to purchase a home.
What are the contribution rules? The annual contribution limit is $8,000. The individual's lifetime contribution limit is $40,000. Contribute the lower of 18% of your previous year's income or the current fixed contribution limit of $30,780 for 2023. There is no lifetime contribution limit. The annual contribution limit for 2024 is $7,000, and the limit is cumulative. Click to learn more.
Is it eligible for tax deductions? Eligible contributions are tax-deductible, excluding funds transferred from RRSP to FHSA. Eligible contributions are tax-deductible (except on transfers into your RRSP from your FHSA). Contributions are not eligible for tax deductions.
Key Advantages Invest with the funds in the account, and profits are tax-free. Additionally, you may be able to transfer funds tax-free from FHSA to RRSP or RRIF. Funds can be used to purchase a qualifying home through the HBP. Investment profits within the plan are tax-deferred. The funds in the account can experience tax-free growth and can be utilized for various expenses, including homeownership.
Limitation Terms The ownership period of the FHSA ends on the earliest of the following dates: the 15th anniversary of opening your first FHSA account, the December 31 of the year you turn 71, or the year following the first eligible withdrawal. Non-qualifying withdrawals (withdrawals not used for the purchase of a qualifying home) are considered taxable income. According to the HBP plan, any RRSP withdrawal used to purchase or build a qualifying home must be repaid to your RRSP within 15 years, starting from the second year following the year of your initial withdrawal. Failure to repay the required amount within the specified timeframe will be treated as taxable income for that year. Contributions made to a TFSA are not eligible for tax deductions.

投资产品介绍 - 保本基金

以上所有账户都可以持有多种投资产品,例如:股票,债券,基金,ETF等。Ai Financial建议选择Segregated Funds 作为投资标的,凭借我们在行业中遥遥领先的投资视野及选基金能力,为客户带来五年翻倍的投资回报。

Segregated Funds, like Mutual Funds, are investments based on market dynamics. A large amount of money belonging to many people is invested in stocks, bonds or other securities under the operation of fund managers with the purpose of increasing the value of the entire pool of funds and creating returns for investors.

保本基金 Segregated fund - 加拿大基金投资





保本基金 Segregated fund - 加拿大基金投资










Ai Financial Funds Investing - You fulfill your dreams, we cover your bills

Ai Financial is a leading Canadian Fin-Techfund investmentservice provider. We leverage cutting-edge technology to adhere toValue Investing principles,aiming to drive reform in Canada's pension system and enable more people to live better lives through financial investment.

Ai Financial has a background in financial compliance and anti-money laundering (AML). Through collaborations with banks, funds, and insurance companies, we select fund products suitable for clients and managevarious investment accountssuch as TFSA and RRSP. Additionally, we assist clients in applying for unique CanadianInvestment Loan, facilitating early attainment of financial freedom.


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